Home Inspections and the Building Code

Many Professional Home Inspector’s do not comment of their regions Building Code which is understandable if they have no training in that area.  In the Barrie area for instance our local college is pumping out Home Inspector’s with Part 9 courses in...

Barrie Home Inspections

A home inspection is a limited, non-invasive examination of the condition of a home, often in connection with the sale of that home. Home inspections are usually conducted by a home inspector who has the training and certifications to perform such inspections. The...

Buying Older Home – Typical Problems

When buying an older home you are usually buying a home with built in character which has withstood the test of time and is still in habitable condition.  There are some inherent problems that you might encounter when purchasing an older home.  I have listed...

Lead Paint Hazard in your Home

Lead is more dangerous to children because: Babies and young children often put their hands and other objects in their mouths. These objects can have lead dust on them. Children’s growing bodies absorb more lead. Children’s brains and nervous systems are...