Home Inspections and the Building Code

Many Professional Home Inspector’s do not comment of their regions Building Code which is understandable if they have no training in that area.  In the Barrie area for instance our local college is pumping out Home Inspector’s with Part 9 courses in...

Asbestos In Your Home

Asbestos has been used in hundreds of applications and products over the past 4,500 years. The ancient Greeks wove it into oil lamp wicks, funeral shrouds and ceremonial tablecloths. During the 1800s, it insulated the hot engines, boilers and piping that powered the...

Attic Problems in Your Home

  There should be an access opening to all attic spaces that exceed 30 square feet and have a vertical height of 30 inches or more. The rough-framed opening should be at least 22 inches by 30 inches. It should be located in a hallway or other readily accessible...